The Ventura County Sportfishing Club just completed the 2023 kids’ trip on the Californian out of Ventura Landing on August 14.

What did we catch? Tons of whitefish and assorted rock fish. We had more than 200 fish on the boat. Unlike other trips, these kids really wanted to come back with bags of fillets to cook and have a fish fry. Captain Steve Virtue put us right on the fish. We were off Santa Cruz island, and it was dead flat calm. No one got seasick and we did not have one incident. All you heard was laughter and cheering. Every kid had a large bag to take home.
Thank you volunteers! We even had a rock star on the boat! Andy, from the Big Bad Voodoo Daddys joined Ira, Peter, Richard, Me (Rick), and Ralph. In addition, 5 caretakers joined us from Family Services. They crew on the Californian really worked hard to keep everyone fishing. The galley food was excellent and the deck hands were very friendly and professional.
We are all now big fans of the Californian!