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EVENT SHARE: Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Trip aboard the Speed Twin on November 18th!
November 18, 2023 @ 5:00 am - 4:00 pm

Join us for our Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Trip aboard the Speed Twin on November 18th!
We’re excited to host this special event to raise awareness and support for breast cancer research in memory of Shawn Steward’s beloved Mother JoAnn Jean Mores

Register at:
Your registration includes a fantastic goodie bag filled with amazing surprises from our partners! Additionally, you’ll receive 2 raffle tickets, giving you a chance to win some incredible prizes and extra raffle tickets will be sold on the boat at $10 each.! Once you are signed up there will be no refunds. We’ll also have beanies, t-shirts, pullovers for sale AND a few items to auction off. This season we’re accepting credit cards for the items sold on the boat.
Food, drinks, fish cleaning and gratuity will be sold separately by the Speedtwin.
If you cannot make the trip and would like to donate you can go to the website listed above, select the take action button on the menu page and donate.
This year we have an amazing number of organizations and people who donated items to raffle and auction off to help raise money for Breast Cancer Research such as:
Fish Works
Smokin Jays BBQ
Poseidon Brewery
Social Tap
Toppers Pizza
Pizza Man Dan
Aloha Spirit Sportfishing
Ranger 85 Sportfishing
The New Del Mar Sportfishing
The Native Sun Sportfishing
Fred Klenshaw Fishing
Bob Sands
Eric’s Tackle
Tackle Express
Tady Lures
Phenix Rods
And so, so many more!
Mark your calendars, spread the word, and let’s come together to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer.
On behalf of the Aloha Spirit, Speedtwin and all of our charter organizers, we thank you for your support.
#kickcancertothecurb #fightbreastcancer #tunafishing #tunahunters #rockfishing #channelislandsportfishing #alohaspirit #speedtwincharter #ericstackle #bobsands #phenixrods #fishworks #smokinjaysbbq #poseidenbrewery #socialtap #topperspizza #pizzamandan #alohaspiritsportfishing #ranger85sportfishing #nativesunsportfishing #newdelmarsportfishing